Melhor estratégia de opções binárias para iniciantes

Estratégias de vencimento de opções binárias para iniciantes - 80% garantidas.

Há uma grande quantidade de estratégias de opções binárias disponíveis. Alguns são mais complicados que outros. No entanto, neste tutorial de estratégia, vamos nos ensinar uma das estratégias de opções binárias mais simples e eficientes.

Na verdade, não há um nome claro para esta estratégia, no entanto, sua precisão foi comprovada em várias ocasiões no negócio de opções binárias. Para usar essa estratégia, você só terá que usar um total de 4 indicadores em seu gráfico.

A grande vantagem desta estratégia ganhadora de opções binárias do novato é o fato de que sempre promete resultados comprovados em cerca de 75% -90% do tempo que você está negociando. Se você usa bem esta estratégia, você também pode alcançar uma proporção de vencedores acima de 90% o tempo todo.

Então, abaixo, você encontrará a descrição completa desta estratégia, bem como dicas sobre sua aplicabilidade. Siga estas diretrizes que você troca na próxima vez e você poderá ganhar a maioria dos contratos que você compra.

UPDATE: agora existem ferramentas que executam automaticamente esta estratégia para você na sua conta de intermediário binário. Estes são chamados de sinais e bots. O melhor desses é Robô de Opções Binárias. A coisa boa sobre o Robô de Opções Binárias é que não o obriga a se inscrever em qualquer corretor específico. Você pode usar seu próprio corretor. Ele também possui uma precisão de cerca de 70% (que realmente consegue, ao contrário de outras ferramentas). Este serviço de sinal está em operação desde 2017 e mostrou resultados comprovados, ao contrário da grande maioria dos serviços similares.

Essas ferramentas basicamente digitalizarão os gráficos e usarão a estratégia descrita neste artigo (e também outras estratégias) e baseadas naquelas que eles automaticamente executarão trocas ou criem previsões que você precisa executar manualmente. Você, naturalmente, poderá ajustar o quanto eles poderão trocar e com que frequência.

Eu recomendo usar esta estratégia com um dos corretores na lista abaixo, especialmente HighLow. Eu selecionei essa lista com base na disponibilidade dos indicadores mencionados neste artigo (nem todos os corretores os possuem - para que você possa acabar não puder usá-lo em alguns corretores), reputação, facilidade de retirada e taxas de pagamento.

Estratégia de vencimento das opções binárias do novato.

É um pouco estranho falar sobre uma estratégia vencedora de opções binárias particular e bem estabelecida, dado que essa estratégia realmente não possui nenhum nome. No entanto, vamos chamá-lo de estratégias iniciantes de estratégia binária iniciante, porque, efetivamente, isso é o que é.

Esta estratégia funciona prevendo o movimento futuro de um recurso considerando os dados fornecidos por quatro indicadores de negociação financeira. Estes indicadores são mencionados abaixo.

Os indicadores listados abaixo são gerados automaticamente pelo recurso de gráficos oferecido por corretores de opções binárias de névoa. É extremamente importante registrar-se apenas em corretores de opções binárias que tenham esses indicadores (como os que listamos no menu direito) caso contrário, você não poderá usar essa estratégia.

Também não é realmente necessário entender completamente o que esses indicadores são precisamente para poder usar essa estratégia. Se você quer uma descrição completa sobre esses indicadores, consulte nosso artigo relacionado.

Você pode encontrar os indicadores listados abaixo:

13 Média móvel exponencial (EMA)

20 Average Moving Simple (SMA)

Se tudo isso parece muito complicado no início, você pode experimentar um serviço como o Robô de Opções Binárias inicialmente. Isso verificará os gráficos para você automaticamente para essas posições e similares. Você pode então executar trades e aprender a usar esta estratégia você mesmo.

26 Média de Movimento Exponencial (EMA)

Esses três indicadores são representados por três linhas que se movem em torno da linha na plataforma de gráficos que representa o valor do próprio recurso.

No entanto, a Bollinger Band é representada por duas linhas. O meio dessas duas linhas é a média da posição dos três indicadores acima mencionados. Então, basicamente, a Banda de Bollinger tem dois limites, um limite superior e um limite inferior nos quais os três indicadores acima mencionados estão posicionados.

Agora, vamos falar sobre a própria estratégia. Como explicado, com esta estratégia você poderá prever o movimento futuro de um bem.

Para usar esta estratégia, você terá que ativar os indicadores acima mencionados em sua interface de gráficos.

Primeiro, você terá que ficar atento às seguintes coisas:

& # 8211; A 13 Média de Movimento Exponencial (EMA) cruza a 20 Média de Movimento Simples (SMA)

& # 8211; A 26 Média de Movimento Exponencial (EMA) atravessará a 20 Média de Movimento Simples (SMA) APÓS QUE atravessará a 13 Média de Movimento Exponencial (EMA)

Se as condições acima forem atendidas, em aproximadamente 95% dos casos, o seguinte acontecerá:

& # 8211; O valor do ativo ficará fora de um dos limites da Bollinger Band.

Você será capaz de indicar qual limite o trunfo irá cruzar com base na direção do movimento geral dos três indicadores acima mencionados.

Se, em média, os três indicadores (exceto a Banda Bollinger) subirem, o ativo quebrará o limite superior do BB. Se, em média, os três indicadores se deslocarem para baixo, o ativo quebrará o limite inferior do BB.

Como mencionado, o cenário acima descrito acontecerá em torno de 90% -95% do tempo.

Aplicabilidade desta Estratégia.

Então, agora você gostaria de saber o que exatamente você teria que fazer para usar essa estratégia para sua vantagem. Na verdade, existem várias posições que você pode abrir em tais casos. Vamos seguir o exemplo abaixo.

& # 8211; A taxa de câmbio de EUR / USD é de 1,35 no momento.

& # 8211; O limite superior da Banda de Bollinger está em 1.37.

& # 8211; O limite inferior da banda Bollinger está em 1,33.

Agora, você observa que o 13 EMA cruzou os 20 SMA e que o 26 EMA cruzou os 20 SMA e está prestes a atravessar o 13 EMA em breve.

Você também percebe que os três desses indicadores estão se movendo para baixo.

Neste caso, você saberá que, durante os próximos 15-30 minutos, o valor de EUR / USD será rebaixado abaixo da linha inferior do BB, ou seja, será inferior a 1,33.

Você terá que lembrar que, após um curto período de tempo, o valor do bem subjacente retornará sempre para os dois limites da Banda Bollinger. Existem basicamente duas escolhas que você pode fazer nesta situação.

a.) Compre uma opção de limite ou uma opção de um toque e aponte no fato de que o valor de EUR / USD atingirá um limite baixo de pelo menos 1,33. Lembre-se, usando a estratégia do novato você conseguiu prever que o ativo será.

90% vão abaixo de 1,33 nos próximos 15-30 minutos.

Essa escolha é um pouco arriscada porque você não sabe exatamente quando esse evento acontecerá nos próximos 15-30 minutos. No entanto, a compra de uma opção de limite ou uma opção de um toque pode oferecer taxas de pagamento extremamente altas de até 500%.

b) Compre uma opção simples / alta alta e aponte no resultado que em 15-30 minutos o valor do ativo (neste caso, a taxa de câmbio de EUR / USD) será ABAIXO da linha atual (neste caso 1.35) .

Essa escolha é menos arriscada porque o valor do recurso definitivamente diminuirá durante este período de tempo. Ao escolher uma opção alta / baixa, não é relevante se o valor do bem atingirá um valor específico (neste caso 1.33); só importa que o seu valor diminuirá - e como os dados da estratégia nos disseram, o valor irá de fato diminuir.

Se tudo isso parece muito complicado no início, você pode experimentar um serviço como o Robô de Opções Binárias inicialmente. Isso verificará os gráficos para você automaticamente para essas posições e similares. Você pode então executar trades e aprender a usar esta estratégia você mesmo.

Melhor aplicabilidade.

Então, na primeira leitura, a estratégia pode soar um pouco complicada para o total de recém-chegados que nunca trocaram opções binárias ou outros instrumentos on-line. No entanto, uma vez que você o experimenta, é realmente muito fácil.

Você só terá que observar o movimento dos três indicadores (13 EMA, 20 SMA, 26 EMA). Você só precisará habilitar esses indicadores em sua interface de gráficos para usá-los.

Você poderá dizer qual é a base da cor da linha que os representa. Você só terá que lembrar qual é a cor e, depois disso, com um pouco de prática, você poderá reconhecê-los com facilidade.

Aqui está uma referência de cor para esses indicadores:

26 EMA - Ciano, azul claro.

As cores são geralmente as mesmas em todos os corretores.

Então, depois de assistir esses indicadores, e você vê o padrão mencionado acima (13 WMA que atravessam os 20 SMA, 26 EMA atravessando os 20 SMA após o cruzamento do 13 EMA) você poderá prever o movimento do bem subjacente.

Se esses três indicadores se expandirem coletivamente, o recurso quebrará o limite superior do BB (Banda Bollinger). Se esses indicadores mostrarem um movimento de tendência descendente, o valor do ativo quebrará o limite inferior do BB.

E é realmente tão simples. Use isso, e você poderá ganhar 75% -95% do tempo que você trocar.

NOVO: agora existem ferramentas que farão esse processo para você. Estes são chamados de sinais de opções binárias. As ferramentas são aplicativos que digitalizarão os gráficos em vários corretores e quando descobrirem as tendências descritas acima, eles irão automaticamente fazer o investimento correto para você. A melhor ferramenta desse tipo que encontrei é Robô de Opções Binárias. Ao contrário da maioria dos outros aplicativos de sinal, este não o obriga a se inscrever em qualquer corretor. Você pode usar qualquer corretor que você deseja e, simultaneamente, use o aplicativo de sinal também.

Para poder executar todos os itens acima, você também terá que encontrar corretores de opções binárias que tenham todos os indicadores e gráficos mencionados. Um dos corretores legítimos que achamos ter tudo isso é HighLow. HighLow também é o único corretor disponível que possui uma política de retirada do mesmo dia (ou seja, o corretor enviará seus ganhos no prazo máximo de 24 horas depois de você ter solicitado).

Saiba mais sobre estratégias de opções binárias.

Esta é apenas uma das muitas opções binárias que ganham estratégias para iniciantes disponíveis. Nós deixamos que esta era uma das estratégias mais simples disponíveis, então, se você é novo em opções binárias, então você deve começar a dominar essa estratégia.

Depois de dominar esta estratégia, volte para o nosso site e leia sobre estratégias adicionais e mais avançadas que irão aumentar sua margem de ganhos ainda mais.

Lembre-se, o comércio de opções binárias não é sobre a sorte, trata-se de estratégia e prática.

Melhores dicas de sucesso para os recém-chegados.

Breakeven Ratio & # 038; Margem de lucro.

Estratégias vencedoras de castiçal.

Doji Candlestick Technical Analysis.

Engulfing Candlestick Analysis Method.

Guia sobre Gestão de Dinheiro.

Guia de negociação de ações com sucesso.

Quanto devo investir por troca de opções binárias?

3 Estratégias de negociação de opções binárias para iniciantes.

Nota! Se você é novo em opções binárias e estratégias diferentes, acesse nossa página de estratégia onde abordamos o tópico de forma abrangente!

Se você estudou e compreendeu minhas postagens anteriores sobre os fundamentos da opção binária, os indicadores de troca e de opções binárias, você está pronto para negociar de forma real. Aqui estão 3 estratégias diferentes que eu uso, escolha uma baseada em seu apetite de risco. Boa sorte!

Estratégia Conservadora de Longo Prazo.

Esta estratégia é para aqueles que são novos para este jogo e querem construir seu capital lento e estável. O objetivo desta estratégia é minimizar os riscos e aguardar a configuração perfeita no gráfico.

Neste caso, a configuração perfeita está usando os últimos 2 pontos do ZigZag, e desenhe um Fibonacci entre eles na direção da tendência.

Desenhe seu fibo do ponto 1 ao ponto 2 para uma tendência descendente e vice-versa para uma tendência de alta. Seu alvo é 161.8 nível de projeção.

Para que o sinal seja totalmente válido, deve haver um retracement para entre 50 e # 8211; 88.6. Mais alto o retracement, mais forte o sinal. No exemplo acima, o retracement ocorre ao lado do número 2 no canto superior esquerdo.

A chave aqui é ser paciente até que todos os 3 fatores se alinhem.

A regra de entrada é:

& # 8211; O preço atinge o nível de projeção Fibonacci 161.8.

& # 8211; O preço está dentro ou fora dos limites do canal vermelho.

& # 8211; O gráfico de valor atinge o nível 8 ou superior.

Sua expiração pode ser entre 5 e 20 minutos. E seu alvo é de 1-2 transações por dia.

E a sugestão de gerenciamento de dinheiro para esta estratégia é levar 2 lances iguais por dia por 20 dias. Aumente sua posição em 50% no próximo dia. Se você perder, comece com o último conjunto de lances:

Dia 3: 21 + 21 ... e assim por diante. Você deve atingir cerca de 5k nos lucros dentro de 20 dias, e no próximo mês, apenas comece de novo ou continue de onde você saiu.

Top corretores para iniciantes.

Estratégia semi-conservadora.

A estratégia semi-conservadora envolve 4 a 6 trades por dia. As regras são as mesmas que para a estratégia conservadora, apenas com uma exceção: tomamos o comércio no nível de projeção Fibonacci 127 e 161,8.

Agora, para negociações de nível 127, eu aconselharia não levar o comércio com mais de 6 minutos para o prazo de validade. Isso ocorre porque geralmente o nível 127 representa um nível de consolidação para atrair compradores / vendedores para a tendência de obter mais liquidez e o preço geralmente se mantém na direção da tendência nas próximas 3 velas.

As regras de entrada são as mesmas que com a estratégia conservadora:

& # 8211; O gráfico de valor atinge o nível 8.

& # 8211; O preço está dentro da zona vermelha.

& # 8211; Price atinge o nível de projeção Fibonacci 127.

Use o mesmo gerenciamento de dinheiro com a estratégia conservadora, mas seus ganhos aumentarão mais rapidamente.

E lembre-se, você tem que ficar com as regras de entrada.

Agora, a estratégia abaixo é muito agressiva e define os meios de negociação sã. Esta estratégia representa o uso de ciclos de preços e seqüência Fibonacci na negociação rápida. As negociações não são apenas tomadas nos níveis 127 e 161.8, mas também em fases. E os níveis de Fibonacci são desenhados para cada ciclo. Esta estratégia também aproveita todo o potencial dos gráficos de valor.

Acima de tudo, você aprendeu o que você está caçando, onde encontrar sua presa e como transportar algumas presas firmes e seguras. Agora, iremos depois do GRANDE 5.

Estratégia agressiva.

Veja o gráfico abaixo, quantos ciclos de preços você vê?

Sim, 9 ciclos. Agora, mude seus parâmetros de indicador de ziguezague para 2,1,1. Quantos ciclos de preços de curto prazo você vê agora?

Sim, mais de 41 ciclos de preços de curto prazo. Na realidade, há muitos mais, mas não vamos torná-lo muito difícil. Cada um desses ciclos é uma seqüência de Fibonacci com um retrocesso de retrocesso alto-baixo-retrocesso. Olhe o gráfico abaixo:

Agora fica complicado e maravilhoso:

O Fibonacci é desenhado entre os pontos 1 e 2 (em azul claro) e marcados em gráficos de valor os últimos altos e baixos, 1 e 2, respectivamente. Agora temos os níveis e aguardamos o retracement que pode ser um pavio ou uma vela cheia. Acima da área de retracement é a caixa branca marcada por 3, e a vela verde embaixo toca essa caixa. A configuração está pronta quando a vela de retracement é seguida por uma vela vermelha na direção da tendência. Agora acorde. A próxima vela vermelha fecha-se abaixo da abertura da vela de retracement verde, MAS não toca o nível de gráfico de nível 6 ainda, nem a banda interna dos canais de regressão. Isso é marcado pelo retângulo azul claro. Então, esta é a nossa primeira vela separada desta sequência específica. Nós entramos PUT 10 segundos antes do fechamento desta vela, como a próxima vela será BEARISH, com 90% de probabilidade. Isto é marcado por 3 PUT no gráfico acima. A próxima vela fecha abaixo nosso nível de 100 Fibonacci, mas NÃO TOQUE NÍVEL 127, o que significa que ele se fechou abaixo da baixa da nossa seqüência atual. Nós entramos PUT 10 segundos antes do fechamento desta vela, porque será seguido por uma vela de baixa, ou 2-3 velas de baixa que atingirá nível Fibonacci nível 161.8. Este comércio está representado no gráfico por 1 PUT. A última vela descendente atinge Fibonacci nível 161.8 e nível gráfico nível -8 e também o contorno da zona vermelha, então colocamos um CHAMADO.

Dentro de cada ciclo de preços entre 3 pontos, há em média 3 configurações de comércio de ITM durante as condições normais de negociação de volatilidade. E para esta estratégia, é evidente que, se você não "sentir", o comércio ou algo sobre a instalação não parece certo, não aguarde e aguarde o próximo.

Esta estratégia produzirá cerca de 100 configurações por par de moedas por dia, então use-o com sabedoria e tenha a certeza de aprender de coraçao antes de pular a toda velocidade.

As 3 estratégias explicadas aqui funcionam para todos os pares de moedas, commodities, ações e índices. No entanto, mesmo com a estratégia conservadora, um comerciante pode produzir excelentes resultados se eles negociarem 5-6 ativos e levar 2 negócios de alta probabilidade por ativo por dia.

Como de costume deixe o comentário abaixo se tiver alguma dúvida. Comércio feliz!

Estratégias de vencimento de opções binárias de novato - Até 70% -80% de chances de ganhar média.

Oferta especial de outubro: comece com apenas € 50 no HighLow # 1 Broker regulado classificado: comece aqui!

Neste tutorial de estratégia, vou ensinar-lhe duas das estratégias de opções binárias mais simples e eficientes.

O primeiro, na verdade, não tem um nome claro, porém sua precisão foi comprovada em múltiplas ocasiões no negócio de opções binárias. Para usar essa estratégia, você terá que usar um total de 4 indicadores em seu gráfico.

A grande vantagem desta estratégia ganhadora de opções binárias do novato é o fato de que promete rendimentos potenciais muito elevados (desde que você o execute corretamente). Se você usar esta estratégia bem, você também pode alcançar uma proporção vencedora superior a 70% na maior parte do tempo (novamente, desde que você execute com precisão esta estratégia).

Então, abaixo, você encontrará a descrição completa desta estratégia, bem como dicas sobre sua aplicabilidade. Siga estas diretrizes que você troca na próxima vez e você poderá ganhar a maioria dos contratos que você compra.

UPDATE: agora existem ferramentas que executam automaticamente esta estratégia para você na sua conta de intermediário binário. Estes são chamados de sinais e bots. O melhor destes é Signals365. A coisa boa sobre Signals365 é que não o obriga a se inscrever em qualquer corretor específico. Você pode usar seu próprio corretor. Ele também possui uma precisão de cerca de 70% (que realmente consegue, ao contrário de outras ferramentas). Este serviço de sinal está em operação desde 2017 e mostrou resultados comprovados, ao contrário da grande maioria dos serviços similares.

Essas ferramentas basicamente digitalizarão os gráficos e usarão a estratégia descrita neste artigo (e também outras estratégias) e baseadas naquelas que eles automaticamente executarão trocas ou criem previsões que você precisa executar manualmente. Você, naturalmente, poderá ajustar o quanto eles poderão trocar e com que frequência.

Eu recomendo usar esta estratégia com um dos corretores na lista abaixo, especialmente BinaryMate (EUA apenas) ou IQ Option (EU e internacional). Eu selecionei essa lista com base na disponibilidade dos indicadores mencionados neste artigo (nem todos os corretores os possuem - para que você possa acabar não puder usá-lo em alguns corretores), reputação, facilidade de retirada e taxas de pagamento.

UPDATE 2 - Fevereiro de 2018: Eu decidi descrever mais uma estratégia de opções binárias iniciantes que eu acredito que funciona talvez até melhor do que a estratégia inicial da banda de Bollinger sobre a qual este artigo se tratava. Esta estratégia envolve o uso de opções binárias de longo prazo e negociação de notícias para fazer previsões muito precisas (ou seja, você sabe que a Apple lançará um novo iPhone na próxima semana e, como tal, prevê que os preços das ações irão aumentar na próxima semana). Verifique na parte inferior desta página para ler mais sobre esta estratégia.

Melhores dicas de sucesso para os recém-chegados.

Breakeven Ratio & # 038; Margem de lucro.

Estratégias vencedoras de castiçal.

Doji Candlestick Technical Analysis.

Engulfing Candlestick Analysis Method.

Guia sobre Gestão de Dinheiro.

Guia de negociação de ações com sucesso.

Quanto devo investir por comércio em binário?

Como Ganhar Dinheiro com Estratégias de Longo Prazo.

Opções de negociação em Notícias.

Estratégia de vencimento das opções binárias do novato.

Abaixo, você encontrará algumas das estratégias de opções binárias iniciantes mais populares:

Estratégia usando indicadores básicos Estratégia de opções binárias de longo prazo Gerenciamento de dinheiro Estratégia de castiçal.

É um pouco estranho falar sobre uma estratégia vencedora de opções binárias particular e bem estabelecida, dado que essa estratégia realmente não possui nenhum nome. No entanto, vamos chamá-lo de estratégias iniciantes de estratégia binária iniciante, porque, efetivamente, isso é o que é. Leia abaixo para descobrir como esta poderia ser a melhor estratégia de opções binárias para iniciantes e o que você terá que fazer para usá-lo.

Esta estratégia funciona prevendo o movimento futuro de um recurso considerando os dados fornecidos por quatro indicadores de negociação financeira. Estes indicadores são mencionados abaixo.

Os indicadores listados abaixo são gerados automaticamente pelo recurso de gráficos oferecido pela maioria dos corretores de opções binárias. É extremamente importante registrar-se apenas em corretores de opções binárias que possuem esses indicadores (como os que listamos na tabela de total acima) caso contrário você não poderá usar essa estratégia.

Também não é realmente necessário entender completamente o que esses indicadores são precisamente para poder usar essa estratégia. Se você quer uma descrição completa sobre esses indicadores, consulte nosso artigo relacionado.

Você pode encontrar os indicadores listados abaixo:

13 Média móvel exponencial (EMA)

20 Average Moving Simple (SMA)

26 Média de Movimento Exponencial (EMA)

Esses três indicadores são representados por três linhas que estão se movendo em torno da linha na plataforma de gráficos que representa o valor do próprio ativo.

No entanto, a Bollinger Band é representada por duas linhas. O meio dessas duas linhas é a média da posição dos três indicadores acima mencionados. Então, basicamente, a Banda de Bollinger tem dois limites, um limite superior e um limite inferior nos quais os três indicadores acima mencionados estão posicionados.

Agora, vamos falar sobre a própria estratégia. Como explicado, com esta estratégia você poderá prever o movimento futuro de um bem.

Para usar esta estratégia, você terá que ativar os indicadores acima mencionados em sua interface de gráficos.

Primeiro, você terá que ficar atento às seguintes coisas:

& # 8211; A 13 Média de Movimento Exponencial (EMA) cruza a 20 Média de Movimento Simples (SMA)

& # 8211; A 26 Média de Movimento Exponencial (EMA) atravessará a 20 Média de Movimento Simples (SMA) APÓS QUE atravessará a 13 Média de Movimento Exponencial (EMA)

Se as condições acima forem atendidas, a maior parte do tempo acontecerá o seguinte:

& # 8211; O valor do ativo ficará fora de um dos limites da Bollinger Band.

Você será capaz de indicar qual limite o trunfo irá atravessar com base na direção do movimento geral dos três indicadores acima mencionados.

Se, em média, os três indicadores (exceto a Banda Bollinger) subirem, o ativo quebrará o limite superior do BB. Se, em média, os três indicadores se deslocarem para baixo, o ativo quebrará o limite inferior do BB.

Como mencionado, o cenário acima descrito acontecerá em torno de 80% -90% do tempo, o que é muito, mas também significa que haverá casos em que esta previsão será incorreta, então você não deve assumir que essa estratégia é um & # 8220; certifique-se de ganhar # 8221; & # 8211; & # 8220; ganhe com certeza # 8221; As estratégias não existem e qualquer pessoa que vende uma é mentir.

Aplicabilidade desta Estratégia.

Então, agora você gostaria de saber o que exatamente você teria que fazer para usar essa estratégia para sua vantagem. Na verdade, existem várias posições que você pode abrir em tais casos. Vamos seguir o exemplo abaixo.

& # 8211; A taxa de câmbio de EUR / USD é de 1,35 no momento.

& # 8211; O limite superior da Banda de Bollinger está em 1.37.

& # 8211; O limite inferior da banda Bollinger está em 1,33.

Agora, você observa que o 13 EMA cruzou os 20 SMA e que o 26 EMA cruzou os 20 SMA e está prestes a atravessar o 13 EMA em breve.

Você também percebe que os três desses indicadores estão se movendo para baixo.

Neste caso, você saberá que, durante os próximos 15-30 minutos, o valor de EUR / USD será rebaixado abaixo da linha inferior do BB, ou seja, será inferior a 1,33.

Você terá que lembrar que, após um curto período de tempo, o valor do bem subjacente retornará sempre para os dois limites da Banda Bollinger. Existem basicamente duas escolhas que você pode fazer nesta situação.

a.) Compre uma opção de limite ou uma opção de um toque e investir no fato de que o valor de EUR / USD atingirá um limite baixo de pelo menos 1,33. Lembre-se, usando esta estratégia novato na maioria dos casos, você será capaz de prever que o recurso irá abaixo de 1,33 nos próximos 15-30 minutos.

Essa escolha é um pouco arriscada porque você não sabe exatamente quando esse evento acontecerá nos próximos 15-30 minutos. No entanto, a compra de uma opção de limite ou uma opção de um toque pode oferecer taxas de pagamento extremamente altas de até 500%. Se você quiser entrar em segurança, então compre uma opção regular alta / baixa. Se você é iniciante, então fique com opções altas / baixas por enquanto.

b) Compre uma opção simples / alta alta e aponte no resultado que em 15-30 minutos o valor do ativo (neste caso, a taxa de câmbio de EUR / USD) será ABAIXO da linha atual (neste caso 1.35) .

Essa escolha é menos arriscada porque o valor do recurso provavelmente diminuirá durante este período de tempo. Ao escolher uma opção alta / baixa, não é relevante se o valor do bem atingirá um valor específico (neste caso 1.33); só importa que seu valor diminua - e como os dados da estratégia nos disseram, o valor provavelmente diminuirá na maioria dos casos.

Se tudo isso parece muito complicado no início, você pode experimentar um serviço como o Signals365 inicialmente. Isso verificará os gráficos para você automaticamente para essas posições e similares. Você pode então executar trades e aprender a usar esta estratégia você mesmo.

Melhor aplicabilidade.

Então, na primeira leitura, a estratégia pode soar um pouco complicada para o total de recém-chegados que nunca trocaram opções binárias ou outros instrumentos on-line. No entanto, uma vez que você tenta você mesmo, na verdade não é tão complicado.

Você só terá que observar o movimento dos três indicadores (13 EMA, 20 SMA, 26 EMA). Você terá que habilitar esses indicadores em sua interface de gráficos para usá-los.

Você poderá dizer qual é a base da cor da linha que os representa. Você só terá que lembrar qual é a cor e, depois disso, com um pouco de prática, você poderá reconhecê-los com facilidade.

Aqui está uma referência de cor para esses indicadores:

26 EMA - Ciano, azul claro.

As cores são geralmente as mesmas em todos os corretores.

Então, depois de assistir esses indicadores, e você vê o padrão mencionado acima (13 WMA atravessando os 20 SMA, 26 EMA atravessando o SMA 20 após o qual atravessar o 13 EMA) você será, na maioria das vezes, capaz de prever o movimento do subjacente Ativo (mas lembre-se, nem sempre, nada é garantido na negociação financeira).

Se esses três indicadores se expandirem coletivamente, o recurso quebrará o limite superior do BB (Banda Bollinger). Se esses indicadores mostrarem um movimento de tendência descendente, o valor do ativo quebrará o limite inferior do BB.

E é realmente tão simples. Use isso, e você pode conseguir uma porcentagem vencedora que lhe permite fazer lucros. Acreditamos que esta é provavelmente a melhor estratégia de opções binárias para iniciantes que está neste momento lá fora.

NOVO: agora existem ferramentas que farão esse processo para você. Estes são chamados de sinais de opções binárias. As ferramentas são aplicativos que digitalizarão os gráficos em vários corretores e quando descobrirem as tendências descritas acima, eles irão automaticamente fazer o investimento correto para você. A melhor ferramenta desse tipo que encontrei é Signals365. Ao contrário da maioria dos outros aplicativos de sinal, este não o obriga a se inscrever em qualquer corretor. Você pode usar qualquer corretor que você deseja e, simultaneamente, use o aplicativo de sinal também.

Para poder executar todos os itens acima, você também terá que encontrar corretores de opções binárias que tenham todos os indicadores e gráficos mencionados. Um dos corretores legítimos que descobrimos ter tudo isso é CTOption (apenas nos EUA. CTOption também é o único corretor disponível que tem uma política de retirada do mesmo dia (ou seja, o corretor enviará seus ganhos no prazo máximo de 24 horas após você e # 8217; o solicitei). Para visitantes que não pertencem aos EUA eu recomendo IQ Option, que é um corretor totalmente regulamentado e licenciado pela UE.

Novo: Estratégia de Opções Binárias a Longo Prazo para Iniciantes.

Conforme escrito no último parágrafo da introdução, eu também decidi falar sobre uma estratégia binária diferente do iniciante. Esta estratégia foca especificamente em opções binárias com longos períodos de expiração. O motivo pelo qual isso não foi incluído na versão inicial deste guia foi porque as opções de longo prazo são apenas uma adição recente aos serviços dos corretores.

Essencialmente, esta estratégia funciona por você ter que acompanhar os principais eventos de notícias relacionados aos estoques de empresas importantes e depois fazer previsões precisas a longo prazo.

Abaixo você encontrará um exemplo de como esta estratégia funciona:

Você sabe que a Apple lançará um novo iPhone no dia 1 de outubro. Você também sabe que geralmente isso geralmente resultará em um aumento nos preços das ações da Apple no dia seguinte.

Cerca de duas semanas antes do evento acontecer, você compra um contrato de opções binárias que prevê que os estoques da Apple irão aumentar até o dia 2 de outubro. E boom, você acabou de ganhar porque essa previsão provavelmente se tornará realidade.

Você pode fazer essa estratégia com centenas de outras empresas e com outros ativos, além de ações. Você precisa verificar quais eventos de notícias importantes estão disponíveis nas próximas semanas e meses e fazer previsões de longo prazo.

Na verdade, acredito que essa estratégia é ainda mais fácil do que a estratégia inicial da banda Bollinger descrita acima. Com esta estratégia você não precisa usar gráficos e indicadores; Você só precisará aguardar a ocorrência de importantes eventos de notícias (lançamentos de produtos esperados por empresas, relatórios anuais de receita, etc.).

Você pode encontrar uma descrição completa desta estratégia lendo este artigo. Como disse, na verdade, acho que este método é realmente mais fácil do que o descrito aqui nesta página inicialmente, então, definitivamente, verifique isso.

Saiba mais sobre estratégias de opções binárias.

Estas são apenas duas das muitas opções binárias que ganham estratégias para iniciantes disponíveis. Eu senti que essas eram as estratégias mais simples disponíveis, então, se você é novo em opções binárias, então você deve começar a dominar essas estratégias.

Depois de dominar essas estratégias, volte para o nosso site e leia sobre estratégias adicionais e mais avançadas que irão aumentar sua margem de ganhos ainda mais.

Lembre-se, o comércio de opções binárias não é sobre a sorte, trata-se de estratégia e conhecimento.

Artigos e guias de opções binárias mais recentes.

Neste guia detalhado e completo, falo sobre quanto dinheiro você deve investir por troca ao negociar opções binárias. Muitos sites afirmam que você deve investir o máximo possível, mas isso é realmente efetivo. e seguro?

Aprenda a usar estratégias de opções binárias de longo prazo para ganhar dinheiro na negociação de opções binárias. Descubra por que essas estratégias são as mais fáceis de implementar.

Saiba como negociar ações em opções binárias. Trading stocks is one of the most difficult ways to make money in binary trading but if done right it can offer massive winning and payout opportunities.

Deixe uma resposta.

6 Comments on "Best Winning Tips for Newcomers"

Hi A couple of questions about the beginner binary options winning strategy – would you use a 5 min chart and how far back do you look for the MA lines to cross each other? Obrigado.

What are the settings for the bollinger band? such as the period and deviation!? It doesn’t give this vital information ..

Hi, great article! Really useful for newbie like myself. Could you please provide in depth guidance to set the indicators you mentioned in this article? I have the bolinger band but do not have any clue on how to insert the indicators (even cannot find the indicators).

Agree with you, my observations also. Writer of the article needs to explain further or correct a possible mistake in the strategy.

Strategies for gain in binary options.

Different trading strategies.

Just like stock trading, binary option trading requires the knowledge and use of strategies to put the odds on its side to gain in the long term . There are two main types of speculative trading strategies in the world of professional trading: it is the technical (or graphic) analysis and fundamental analysis that we will analyse in the first place. We will then deal with the two empirical methods that are most widely shared on the web: the martingale and trading with the traders’ tendency tool.

Trading with technical analysis.

The technical analysis – or chart analysis – involves studying the exchange rates charts of different assets in order to predict their future orientation. This type of analysis is based on the Dow Theory. This theory, realized by ??a great financial analyst and co-founder of the Wall Street Journal, on the principle that the “market remembers”. This means that what has been observed in the past, reiterates itself again today and in the future. In other words, the analysis of decades of charts histories has enabled the technical analysis to identify specific contexts where it becomes possible to predict the future orientation of an exchange rate with a significant reliability. The technical analysis therefore consists of studying the charts using technical indicators (to have access to certain digital information or additional charts) and observing patterns of graphics and / or candlestick charts patterns. This type of analysis is most commonly used by traders. Many books and websites will inform you about its learning, its method of application and the different strategies associated with it.

Trading with traders’ tendency indicator.

The other empirical method regularly seen on the web consists of monitoring a tool for “indicator of traders’ tendency” (also called “ tool of traders’ sentiment “), provided by the online broker. This tool describes the balance of positions at the purchase and sale of each index at a given moment. Provided by the broker, the tool shows you the percentage (%) of their clients with positions at the purchase and the percentage (%) of their clients with positions at the sale (in real time) for a defined financial asset. The clients of an online broker cannot trade on Wall Street but some have the audacity to trade “by instinct” (and ignore those who use the martingale method mentioned above…). Therefore, this type of tool becomes completely obsolete and its reliability is totally uncertain or even completely absent. Once again, the bonusbinaryoptions team warns you against this type of strategy and invites you to avoid following it.

Trading with fundamental analysis.

Fundamental analysis is the second branch of market analysis for binary option trading. This method focuses exclusively on economic statistics and the overall economic climate to predict the future orientations of the exchange rate. For example, the crisis of 2008 was an excellent opportunity to stake downwards on the main publicly-traded companies , especially the banks and investment funds. On a smaller scale, dozens of economic indicators are published daily (such as the unemployment rate in a country, for example). All these economic figures are available in economic calendars available online on the internet. The real-time monitoring of these new ones can help you take decisions to increase or decrease the principal instruments traded in binary option, including the currency pairs of the Forex market.

Trading with a method of martingale type betting.

There are many websites or ebook extolling the merits of using a martingale. What is a martingale? A martingale is a betting method that consists of increasing the amount of the initial investment at each loss until a gain is achieved. Suppose you stake € 20 upwards to the EUR / USD exchange rate. The principle of the martingale will lead you to stake double your bet until your winning position of closing. In our example, if you lose your transaction, this principle will invite you to repeat the same bet for an amount of € 20. If your position closes again at a loss, you should then bet this time an amount of € 40. The principle is to offset losses of previous bets until achieving the gain that was initially sought. The risk can only become very large if you suffer a long series of consecutive losses. By leveraging € 40, then € 80, then € 160, € 320, € 640, € 1028 … In a few blows, the amounts to invest become astronomical. The result: Your account is empty and you just have to file new capital and file a dispute against the person who extolled the merits of this strategy.

Our advice: never use any martingale.

Being the winner in binary options is not obvious.

And yes, being a winning trader in binary option in the long term is not disconcertingly simple . If this were the case, we would all naturally be rich…! Nevertheless it must be recognized that certain particular traders earn a very good living. Here, we will explain the principal points that all such winning traders must meet.

How to gain in binary options?

How to minimise the risks.

Minimising risks constitutes a good starting point to avoid bankruptcy. The best method is to follow the rules of capital management , also called “risk management” or “money management” by professional traders. This common sense rule consists of not:

& # 8211; placing big bets.

& # 8211; putting all your eggs in one basket.

& # 8211; do not invest too much available capital.

It is advisable not to bet more than 5% of one’s capital in one position. Thus, if you have € 1000 on your binary option account, it is not advisable to bet more than € 50 in a single transaction. In the same token, it is not advisable to bet on a too large number of instruments that are correlated in the same direction. For example, it is not advisable to bet simultaneously on the fall of the EUR / USD, EUR / GBP, EUR / CAD, EUR / JPY, EUR / CHF … etc. In this case, you understand that a single jump upwards of the Euro currency (EUR) could jeopardize all your positions.

The psychology of the winning trader.

The psychology of the trader plays an important role in the likelihood of his / her gain or loss. In fact, the principal loss factor of a trader in binary options is directly due to his / her cognitive biases. The typical error is to lose all sense of money and bet more and more important sums to fill a high loss that has been suffered. Under no circumstances should one bet excessively; one must keep in mind a strict trading plan and a method of rigorous capital management. Being governed by one’s emotions and the desire to earn more money or to erase a loss by taking more risks always leads to loss. In contrast, a winning trader will be disciplined, Cartesian and will never let emotions interfere in his / her choice of trading (or at least, as much as he / she can.).

The best methods to gain in binary option.

In conclusion, the best method to gain in binary option is to study the technical analysis and fundamental analysis, to develop a strict trading strategy with a rigorous capital management plan (and stick to it), and to not be ruled by one’s emotions (which lead many amateur traders to lose…).

The best brokers to implement your strategies:

What is your best method to gain in binary options?

I read about a lot of binary trading strategies. I started trading some months ago. I mostly trading with 60 sec. options. Now Im earning around 500-1000 USD a day, with some strategies I learned from the net, but Im still searching for the easiest way to earn this amount. Do you have any new workable strategy?

which strategies are you using?

Hi man, can you send me the link of the references of your strategy? i want to try trading. Please help me man. I need some strategies. t.

Tomas I would like to know what strategy your using to get those earnings I’m using the 5.decimal strategy.

You’re doing great with your strategy! I’m a beginner trader and was wondering if you would share your strategy with me.

I think martingale is better , but you should have at least 1200 USD in your account to withstand the losses and getting back to profit process, 1200 USD equals to 7 steps loss in martingale and for 6 steps it become 500 USD, now I have almost 300 that becomes 5 steps, it is hard but if you withdraw first profit after the account growing , then you have no risk with remained money.

use it, but carefully and cleverly till you reach 7steps, then nobody can decrease your profit speed. King Regards.

Hello Thomas, I think you are doing great if you earn that daily and consistently. Would you please share some of your strategies with me.

Thank you Thomas.

DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH ZENITH OPTIONS!! They will take your money and refused to return it. The customer Service at this company is HORRIBLE. This binary options provider is not regulated. They will tell you they are but the have to answer to no one. Zenith Options took my 5,000 dollars and refuse to return the money after they told me I would have a 2 day trail and I did so and after 24 hours I requested my money back and they will not answer emails, phone inquiries, Skype, or chat. They did not even call me to welcome me aboard. They will laugh in your face when you give your money as the keep denying your withdrawals. This company is a SCAM. Worst of all, the are based out of Cyprus. BINARY OPTIONS LIVE SIGNALS is no good at all the recruit people to join safe24options and Zenith options with their supposed high win rate. You put your money in and you would be better off going outside and burning it all up. At least you get to keep the ashes.

Please can you help me with some strategy, i need it so much.

Hope to hear soon from you!

The most successful binary options platform I have used is StockPair, I have taken the time to fine tune a great strategy that has over 80% win rates to date.

Hi AJJ, please add AMBER OPTION in the list. This is another SCAM option company. I deposited USD250 and some time later tried to withdraw it but they just replied “the account is verified” and after that no more response at all. All these option companies (through some advertisements by another third party selling some softwares) just want us to deposit money in their so called option trading account, and that’s it, and the money is theirs. Honestly and sincerely speaking, if you would like to have a safe and honest option broker company, you can trust Opteck. My friends and I had used them for about 2 years now and withdrawal is of no problems at all. Separately , we ever withdrew 15000, 10000, 2000, 500 US dollars. We have a dedicated Chief Broker by the name of Roberto is always very attentive. He is in UK and we are in SIngapore, no single issues at all.

A couple of month ago I finally became profitable and now I´ve a winning percentage of around 63 %: I used a lot of indicators, some were helpful others confusing and I was searching for something simple but still reliable.

Now I´m convinced that my search has been successful : I´m using Bollinger Bands on a 5-minute timeframe and the results were just incredible (over 80 % ITM):

The system is very simple indeed : I wait until most of the 5-minute candle closes above the upper band, and a few seconds before the candle comes to an end I´ll place a PUT-OPTION with a 5 – minute – expiry.

If the candle is close to finishing below the lower band I´ll place a CALL-Option.

Of course this doesn´t happen all the time (sometimes you´ll have to wait 1 – 2 hours to spot a potential trade-setup) therefore I use at least 8 different pairs to get more trades.

Today I´ve found 22 trades which met the requirements and 18 of them had been ITM.

Please tell me your strategy, i promise to compensating for you. my e mail :carxporsh@gmail.

Hi ZZ. I would like to know more info anout your strategy. Can you please send me an email sergii007123@gmail.

Zz can u pls send me ur strategy. U can email me on emasojoel@gmail.

I follow many easy strategies, my limitation is the number of signals. I trade about one hour per day, and my start is always 10€, not more. I earn around 250 € in that hour, with avarage 12 trades.

The most simple one is the bouncing dead cow. (even a dead cow bounces when you throw it from very high) After a one candle breakout, there is almost always a fall back, use that with one (explicity just one time martingale) and you will have profit. The exact timing is most important. Be carefull with the EURUSD. Ideal at the moment with JPY.

Trending price increase or decrease. The top of the candles touch the upper bollingers and the volumes indicator and the A. o. are inline with that growth, just place a few trades. Get grasp of the typical patterns of a pair. Trending works perfect with the AUDUSD.

In a ranging market play the % williams, is very reliable, be prepaired to use two to three martingales, but be aware of changes in the bollingers, stop if they divert. The GPBUSD has the typical british reliability here. it ‘listens’ to williams perfectly. Watch slow trends, you will see that in a slow down trend Williams leaves overbought quickly and ‘hangs out’ in oversold and vv. (count the candles in both areas and trade after that avarage number of candles passed) You can use AO oscillator to confirm. But usually with the max three Martingales you will win.

About Martingales i could wirte a book now. I can assure you in binaries, under very strict conditions it is a good thing to use. One of the conditions is that the chances to win grows more than the increase of your wagers. Lets take this example: you opened a trade and just after opening you see a breakout in the ‘wrong’ direction. How are you going to save your money? indeed by opening a new trade in the right direction with an amount 2.3 times (and not 2 as some people that do not understand Maringale, has to do with the profit the broker lets you.). Your worst loss is then limited and the chance to win and have the wrong trade compensated is very high. Without knowing you used Martingale.

Please try to avoid Zoomtrader, it is a big scam. I have invesed 6500 and when started making gains, they dint allow me to make more than 1 trade at a time and with limitations to the maximum amount, If you would like your money to be in safe hands, try out the best regualted brokers, but please do not even think of opening an acocunt at Zoomtrader.

MARK can you explain your strategy in details? Like with pictures or best is live video trading as example. You can send me info to email: sergii007123@gmail.

Hi im new to this for of trading. Would you please send me some of the strategies you found easiest to administer and most rewarding? Obrigado.

you can subscribe now to our newsletter and receive a free ebook on the 10 best trading strategies to make money with binary options 🙂

mark, I am interested in a Martingale strategies…if you can send me your strategy on kresob777@gmail.

Is 200$ enough to get a good return?

I had lost $1000+,any good strategies out there? Let me know.

guys please help with strategy on binary, it shall be well with you if you help me by sending to my Email olotuthrone(at)gmail thank you, pls dont fail to send me.

He Mark can you tell more About THE bounsing dead cow strategie Regard. Rik.

Starting The Binary trading tomorrow 09-02-14.

I have been reading a lot on the strategies has anyone tried the one touch system.

I so can u tell me how u feel about is and if u had a good start at it ?

Also is there anyone out there with any other systems they r have success with?

I use a VERY simple strategy.’Bounce Back’ candles. Example on an uptrend;

1) graph shows Candles + BBands + RSI.

2) use 1 minute candles for 5 minutes time frame.

3) when (green/up) lays on TOP/Upper B. Band place PUT, but ONLY if RSI reaches 70.

4) 80% of time u shud be ITM.

5) sometimes I will WAIT to see a confirmation (on the UP it’s Red) that a reversal is taking place.

6) same on a RED down candle…lays over the lower BB then place CALL but ONLY when RSI.

is 30 or less(again the next candle shud go Green to confirm an uptrend has started)

7) this strategy over 20 trades gave 83% return.

Wud be interested to hear any comments trading INSIDE the BBs.(and more risky)

Can you please share what strategy you use with the 60 minutes trading.

just wondered how you set up 1 min candles on a 5 min timeframe alos how long is the trade you take is it a 60 second trade?

Hello Geoff, I think Ken is referring to 1 min chart. You place a bet with expired time frame 5 min after.

thanks espen you wouldnt happen to know what period the RSI should be set? my default is 50 but it never seems to reach 70 or 30%

Thomas does not seem to be open to discuss his strategy. My advise is that you stay away from 60sec trading as new traders, it can get you off the market faster than you can ever imagine. If you must trade shorter time expiry you may want to demo trade the BBands Strategy on 1min with 5mins expiry as presented by ZZ above.

Hi, Mark, I am very interested in your strategy, but I am also wondering what is your expiry timing for bouncing dead cow strategy ? Could you please send an email to me at lydialywdl@gmail, thx…

Why would anyone search another system if his system is earning him around 500-1000 usd/day?

Hi Mark, I am interested in learning your strategies. If you have pictures or a video explaining your strategies that would be great. I am 17 yrs old and am very new to the world of binary options. It seems like you know what you’re talking about so can you please email me at jacksonspeaks1@gmail. Obrigado.

Hi, i’ve been trading option two year expirence, this system bring me 1000usd to 2000usd per day, depend your investment every time you bet.

i use EMA 5,6,7,8,9 and EMA 14 in 5 min chart .

you must trade expire time 30m.

when EMA5,6,7,8,9 above Ema 14, you must buy, within 30m you can see in the money.

when EMA5,6,7,8,9 below Ema 14, you must sell, within 30m you also see in the money.

And very important thing is Don’t forget to buy me a cup of coffee.

I am new trader, learning strategies with demo account. So far so on going good. tips would be appreciated.

Hi Option King. Your strategy seems to be efficient as well as your confidence. Can you please tell me more about it in more details. you can reach me on: hani. m.ragab@gmail.

I am a trader and I would like to share my thoughts about scam complaints on the web. It is true that scams are all over the internet nowadays. But to be fair to the subject of complaints, we ought to provide proof to convince readers of our sincere intentions. Anyone can complain but not everyone can have the genuine desire to tell the truth. I’m not saying this in defense of Zenith Options, Binary Options Live Signals or any other platform. I’m just trying to uphold fairness.

lot of traders share negative feedback against ZenithOption, this is why it is better to avoid it and choose a regulated binary options broker FCA/CySEC.

hi option king been trying your strategy and had mixed results just breaking eben but i feel there is something in it.

Could you tell me if you use any other indicators or certain assets, time of day etc?

Many thanks oh and itll be a very large coffee and a cake for u.

Trading is fun especially when you are in money. ADX48 is very good in binary trading. using it makes me feels more comfortable. have fun guys.

It’s a fact that a lot of scam brokers exist today, and the list is growing. I’m not sure why, but even regulated brokers such as Banc de Binary do get some complaints. Its not a wonder why we can see online complaints about Zenith Options and other not-so-popular platforms.

Hi Brian is that so. Banc De Binay as well? Mmh shame I feel bad guys seriously.

Option King, you posted your winning strategy on my birthday. It’s a winning way for binary options and everyone should follow your lead.

I owe you a large coffee bro. Thanks for the advice! Good karma to you my friend.

Jeff, simplify option kings strategy – use a 14 EMA and a 20 SMA on the 5 minute chart. When 14 crosses 20 you buy a call for 15 to 30 minute exp. When 20 crosses 14 you have a down trend and go with a put for 15 to 30 minute exp. You could also add Stochastic crossing as a confirmation indicator. When the cross is getting closeon the 5M chart you could switch to the 1 minute chart and catch the cross early to trigger the trade, This is very similar to option kings winning ways. Identifies short trend changes, and should put you in the money. Practice and be patient. Good luck bro!

Could you send me the strategy you use for trading 60 second time frames please?

Been trialing this method myself. 15 or 30 min. expiry.

Hello Glynn, William & Jeff.

I want to try you methods, the one in which you use “14 EMA and a 20 SMA” and the one in which you use use “EMA 5,6,7,8,9 and EMA 14 in 5 min chart” but I dont know how to set them up.

Im trying in Moving Average parameters: Period: ? Shift: ? MA method: Exponential Apply to: Close? High? Low?

Could you sent me a little more detail how to set them up? x_maverick_hunter@hotmail please.

Ya same as Luis I’m interested on Optionking and Glynn strategy.

can you be more spesific?

Need the same thing as luis.

Period: ? Shift: ? MA method: Exponential Apply to: Close? High? Low?

Please, could you send me the detail also to triska. raya@contractor.

Hello Glynn, Option king.

I’m a newbie, and I’m interested in your strategies but I need to know how to set up the SMA and EMA, please clarify on the settings for Period, shift, apply to ? Please send me details and any other additional settings like the stochastic set up. @

Hi option king can you clarify the settings more in detail, my email: mysurveis@gmail thanx.

Hi send me the binary option strategies to thenkannan@hotmail.

I found some very good and useful information and strategies on this site. Obrigado.

I will post these strategies and how to download and setup graphics, strategies like 5,6,7,8,9- 14 EMA and 14 ,20 EMA and also the 60 second (5 point decimal system or martingale ) combined with the parabolic SAR , MACD, bollinger and 20, 50MA. All winners.

Hi can someone please send me some info on you what strategies I should start with, I am a beginner and need some help please . thanks sandwellc@hotmail.

Hello guys, Well let me point something… First of all even if your or become the best trader in the world you will always lose trades… that’s for sure… Also binary option will not make your rich tomorrow.. (You can become rich but not tomorrow) it takes years, patience and a good stomach!! I’m studying binary option the last 6 months I have deposit minimum amount of money and also I have request for a demo account, and I’m using my demo account until I finished my study… My opinion is that: Try different strategies and finally stuck on ONE don’t use multiple strategies… Learn this strategy as the best-possible… try to combine your strategy with NEWS… This is very important step.. News affects market tremendously… Finally and also important.. learn the TIME.. Binary options are available in the whole world… each country has different time, because banks are not open and close in the whole world at the same time.. Find and determine a time which the market is stable by the time, meaning that the binary option is available in most of countries in this part you will reduce your risk of huge changes in the market….. why is that ? because If 10 millions people they go into their banks tomorrow at the same time and changes their currencies to different currencies the market will collapse or get crazy… who knows? ..So time is very important factor in your trades.. Make trades with demo account to find the best time for you……In a conclusion build your own strategy and don’t stop learning, as much you learn you become more successful trader .. Happy trades and good luck 🙂

thank you for these invaluable advices 🙂

Hello Everyone, I’m new at this. Was wondering if anybody knew of a link or web sites to get better knowledge of how to trade.

Also me i’m interested to strategy 5 6 7 8 9 + 14 EMA for optimal setting and point of entrance.

thanks in advance.

Mark, you sound like you know what you are doing with regard to trading. I started trading only 2 days ago, but could you possibly share your strategies in more detail via the email below.

Don’t open 60 seconds, 5 minutes trades if you are newbie. They are very risky.

If you want to gain consistent income with low risk, follow your money management. You should not open a position more than 5% of your balance.

Here is my tested STRATEGY on technical analysis.

* Time Frame – 5 minutes.

* Expiration – 15 minutes.

* Indicators – EMA 8 (choose green color), 14 (choose red color) and MACD with standard parameters.

Question: How to open a position?

Answer: When EMA 8 crosses EMA 14 from down and also MACD lines crosses and shows an uptrend, open a CALL position. When EMA 8 crosses EMA 14 from the above and MACD lines crosses and shows downtrend place a PUT position.

The Explanation of the strategy: In this case EMA 8, 14 and MACD shows you the direction of trend. You should catch it.

PS. The result percentage should be not less than 75% in the money. If you want to see more details, I will send you an explanation with pictures.

Guys I have $600 in optionrally and trying to aise funds for eye operation as I’m going blind and need to raise at least $8000 for next year feb I kindly need your help on how to trade as the platform does not provide trading. Iv lost $400 already. PLS HELP AND IM AWARE OF TRADING RISKS. PLS CONTACT ME ON mmetilesedi187@gmail.

hi Option King, Glynn, Taruux – can you guys send detailed info regarding the 5 6 7 8 9 + 14 EMA & 20 SMA strategies ? Please mail to :

Beyond the martingale strategy, what are the key binary options strategies and where can I find information about their steps? Desde já, obrigado.

Many thanks you have shared your STRATEGY. I would like to learn from you. Great if you can send me more details explanation with picture.

Following and learning for good trade strategies. I am a newbie.

hi joseph any chance would you send me youre stratergy as i lost a lot on these binary options emmgjhj@hotmail.

Nice strategy review. You can send me your strategy in my email.

There are a very large number of binary options strategies available. Some of them are more complicated than others to follow. However, in this strategy tutorial I am going to teach you one of the simplest and most efficient binary options strategies.

There is actually no clear name for this strategy however its accuracy has been proven on multiple occasions in the binary options business. In order to use this strategy you will only have to use a total of 2 indicators on your chart.

The great advantage of this newbie binary options winning strategy is the fact that it always promises proven results in around 75%-90% of the time you are trading. If you use this strategy well, you may as well achieve a winning ratio of above 90% all the time.

Last Month(April 2018) I have made $144124.It’s big deal for me. You don’t know just 3 years ago I lost $1000 in less than 15 days. I shocked very much. Now Myself strategy gives me so much out put and at least 1500 amazing people use my binary strategy…If you have any question feel free to knock me: ebiarif@gmail.

Can you send me the explanations with some pics so that it will be easier to follow? I am a newby. Tks much.

I am a newbie here still learning, can u send me the explanations with pictures so that i can understand better? Thank you very much !

I am using the bollinger bands/RSI strategy (as highlighted by Ken and ZZ above) and experiencing awesome results. It is very simple and effective. Currently winning around 70-75% of my trades! 🙂

Hi Joseph. Your strategy sounds great bro. May u please email me on how to go about it man. I’m a newbie. daviestembo89@gmail.

good strategies from option king….you will have coffee from me….

Hi joseph can i hv some pic too on your strategy?

Hi option king. Im newbie in BO. Can i have a copy of your strategy? thanks. jazzpy11@gmail.

Yo Glynn can you plzz explain ur simplified strategy to me. Thanks man. mohsin26996@gmail.

should you wait for the 5 min candle to close first on the strategy EMA 14 SMA 20 or simply trade as the lines cross in the movement of the trend.

It’s better to wait the candle closing for get the confirmation of the signal 🙂

hello everyone, does anyone trade Binary Options with TOP OPTIONS here? i need testimonies about them as i’m about opening a trading account with them.

Will appreciate your replies.

Could you send me the strategy that you told us a few days ago? could you send me more details? because im using it but I still dont know at which moment enter I think that i still dont know the exact time. (to x_maverick_hunter@hotmail please)

I use a simple strategy i developed with the aim of low risk… only sets me up with 3 or 4 trades per day…but i consistently get an average of 80 – 85% ITM with this strategy alone, so I can confidently make trades of $250 or more. It combines 5 indicators plus BB and is relatively newbie friendly if you monitor maximum two currency pairs at a time. For more info email me sford88@hotmail. co. uk.

Can u send me your strategy with pictures and graphes. thanks.

Hi Vincent, so far I have no issue with regard to withdrawal using TopOption as my broker. Just stay away from GlobalTrader 365, Banc De Binary just to name a few. You may wish scrolling to Binarywatch dog for more reliable information.

Your strategy seems to be pretty simple. Would like to get some more details! Thanks alot in adcance!

Hello.. I learnt more strategies from here. I’ll try them. Muito obrigado. Best of luck…!

I am new in binary option. I want to open account. Is banc du binary a good broker? Please advise.

Some virulent critics about Banc de Binary invite us to advise you to discover our list of best binary options brokers, selected with carefully by the team of bonusbinaryoptions among the brokers with the best feedbacks.

Oi. I would like to start trading, but i lost job because my injury and i have no chance to get starting capital. is there any chanse to start from nothing?

Can e-mail me some suggestion on xfmrude@gmail.

Is not really possible to start from nothing,

but keep in mind that you can take advantage of a negotiated 100% deposit bonus if you open an account with one of ours binary options brokers partners 🙂

Thank you very much Zack for your reply, it was helpful.

Hey guys try this strategy out on a demo account tell me how it works for you.. I’m using IQ Options on my Cell phone.

Bolinger Band at 20 but I set it at 200.. I dont want to see pruce anywhere near them until prices hit extreme highs or lows.

RSI at 8 with OB/OS at 90-10.

Wait for price to push away from the 200 EMA buy or Sell ONLY after the second pullback/retracement AND once prices move in the direction of the current trend look for prices to close outside of the outer bolinger band lines and RSI either Over Bought or over Sold! Then place a Buy or Sell order.

I am a newbie, where do I get a new demo account?

Hi everyone , I am a newbie so I am searching different useful strategies to trade.

I saw those interesting strategies above. Can someone send me more details about those strategies? Thanks a lot.

I am new to binary option trade, can you please send me your simple strategy.

Hi anyone anyone knows about IQ option if this broker is not scam? TY..

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7 Binary Options.

Binary Options Trading Requires Very Little Experience.

The common misconception is that binary options trading and forex trading can only be done by one that has a certain amount of experience in the area. There is no requirement to have any previous experience in financial trading and with a little time, any skill level can grasp the concept of binary options trading.

The basic requirement is to predict the direction in which the price of an asset will take. The price will either increase (call) or fall (put). Successful binary options traders often gain great success utilizing simple methods and strategies as well as using reliable brokers such as IQ Option or 24Option.

From this page you will find all the relevant strategies for binary options trading.

Get started with 3 easy steps:

Choose a broker from the list below.

Binary options trading carries a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds.

( *Amount will be credited to account in case of successful investment)

Register a broker account.

I personally use six different brokers for trading and would recommend all serious traders to open a few accounts with different brokers in order to build up a good variety of assets.

Start trading with four easy steps:

How to minimize the risks.

Our goal is to provide you with effective strategies that will help you to capitalize on your returns. These are simple techniques that will help to identify certain signals in the market that guide you make the proper moves in binary options trading. Risk minimizing is important for every trader and there are a few important principles that aim to help in this area. Binary options trading can present several risks but to decrease them, take the following into consideration.

• Never invest the entirety of your capital at once.

• Review the dynamics of your trading asset prior to investing.

• Exercise the strategy by investing only 5 to 10 percent of your equity per placement.

Reasons for Having a Binary Options Strategy.

You don’t need a strategy to trade binary options. You could simply go with your gut, making decisions in the moment and on instinct. However, you won’t make any money with this approach. In fact, you will probably lose a lot. So, while it is not essential to have a strategy in order to trade binary options, to be successful and profitable you must have a binary options strategy.

To be more precise, you need three different types of strategy. Below is an introduction to each.

There are two main reasons for having a trading strategy and sticking to it. The first is that it removes the possibility of you making emotional or irrational decisions. Instead, decisions are based on pre-defined parameters that are developed with clear thinking. The second reason for having a trading strategy is that it makes it possible to benefit from repetition. Without this type of strategy, you probably won’t know what worked or why. Even if you did, it would be hard to repeat it.

In other words, a trading strategy ensures your trades are based on clear and logical thinking while also ensuring there is a pattern that can be repeated, analyzed, tweaked, and adjusted.

For example, you can analyze your strategy after a set number of trades or a set time period. Is it making you money? Is it making you enough money? Maybe it is making you money but not as much as you hoped. In this situation you may decide to let it continue knowing it will be profitable in the long term. Or you might decide to make carefully considered and structured changes to improve profitability. This is all possible, but only if you have a trading strategy in the first place.

The alternative is haphazard and impossible to optimize. Imagine you looked at your performance after a set number of trades or a set period of time but did not have a trading strategy to judge it against. What would you do if you lost money? All you could really do is hope you make better decisions in the future. However, you would have nothing concrete to base your adjustments on. The same applies if you were making money but not as much as you had hoped. In fact, the same also applies if you did make money – you would have no way of knowing for sure that you could replicate the performance again, as each transaction is a standalone trade and is not part of an overall strategy.

It is a completely impractical way of trading. Look at a scenario where you don’t use a trading strategy. In the scenario, you make a 50 percent profit one month and then a 50 percent loss the next month. How would you ever know why one month was successful and the other wasn’t? How would you know what to change, if anything?

You simply wouldn’t. The best you can probably hope for is break even, and that is no use to anyone. In reality, you will probably lose money because you have to win more than you lose. Without a trading strategy, that is almost impossible.

Money Management Strategies – What They Are and Why You Need One.

Many people make the mistake of only developing a trading strategy – i. e., a strategy that determines the type of asset they want to trade and the level of risk they want to be exposed to. Little thought is given to the money management strategy. That is a mistake because a money management strategy will help you manage your balance so you can get through bad patches and maximize winning streaks.

To illustrate this further, let’s look at an example of someone who doesn’t have a money management strategy. Because of this they invest 10 percent of their balance on a single trade. If that trade loses, they will need a 20 percent gain on their account balance just to break even. If they lose three trades in a row, they will need a 30 percent gain on their account balance just to break even. You can see how this can easily creep up – a common losing streak of three in a row could see the account balance of that trader drop by 30 percent. When you consider the fact that many losing streaks are much longer than three-in-a-row, you will appreciate how important a money management strategy is.

Without one, your account balance is at risk of hitting zero, even if you have a good trading strategy in place. Losing streaks and unprofitable trades are a part of life, so you must have a strategy in place that deals with these inevitabilities. This means managing your money to maximize profits, limit losses, and, crucially, get back to a profitable position after a bad patch.

Analysis and Improvement Strategies – What They Are and Why You Need One.

There is no such thing as the holy grail of binary options trading strategies. Markets change, and every successful trader constantly works to improve, update, enhance, and make better. Even traders with many years of experience and large profits in their bank accounts still work hard to analyze and improve how they trade. It applies even more to new traders and those with minimal experience.

An analysis and improvement strategy gives you a structured way of maximizing the good parts of your trading and money management strategies while simultaneously fixing or removing the parts of your strategies that are not working. This helps you become more profitable in the long term, and it helps you adjust to changing market conditions.

Without an analysis and improvement strategy, you will plod along. If you have good strategies in place you might make money, but nothing is guaranteed. In addition, you might not be making as much money as you could. Why leave these profits behind when there is a way of getting them? That way is through analysis and improvement.

Types of Binary Options Strategy.

Binary options strategies are all different, but they have three common elements:

Creation of a binary option signal and getting an indication of how to trade this signal How much you should trade Improving your strategy.

The precise strategy can vary on each step, so there are a huge number of possibilities. The most important part of developing a successful strategy is understanding as much as possible about each element. This will be covered in the next section, starting with the creation of signals.

Step 1 – Creation of Signals.

A signal is basically an indication that the price of an asset is about to move in a particular direction. Of course, prices of assets move all the time. What you need is something that predicts that move before it happens. That is what a signal does.

There are two ways that signals are created. The first is to use news events, and the second is to use technical analysis.

Generating signals from news events is probably the most common approach, particularly for new or inexperienced binary options traders. It involves looking at what is happening in the news, such as an announcement by a company, an industry announcement, and the release of government inflation figures. In many simple cases, positive news means prices are likely to rise while negative news is likely to lead to a fall in prices.

The starting point for making this strategy work is knowing what news events to expect and when. This is why you will find economic calendars on most good binary options trading platforms. If you know that a company’s earnings report is due in two days’ time you can plan your analysis and trading activities around this.

The best platforms will also tell you what to expect from the news event. For example, it is helpful to know that a company’s earnings report is due in two days’ time, but it is even more helpful if you also know what the market expects to see in that report. You can then make decisions in advance of the report in an attempt to predict its contents and the subsequent market movements. You can also make decisions after it is published based on market expectations and reactions.

There are positives to a news events approach to trading. In particular, it is easy to understand and learn. There are disadvantages to the approach too. The biggest problem is unpredictable markets. For example, a company might release an earnings statement that shows an increase in profits. This is a positive news event that you would expect on first reading to cause the market to react positively. However, within the report there might be additional information that spooks the market, such as profits not being as high as expected. This could mean the market moves less than you anticipated and, in some cases, can even move in the wrong direction – prices falling even though the news event is categorized as positive.

It is also difficult to predict how long a movement will last and how far it will go. If you go back to the example of the company earnings report, it is a positive report so prices in the company’s shares are likely to rise; but how long will the rising price situation last and when will the price max out? These questions are unknowns.

Trading based on technical analysis offers an alternative. It is a strategy that seeks to predict the movement of asset prices regardless of what is happening in the wider market.

Essentially, the process involves looking at how the price of a particular asset moved in the past. From this, it is possible to establish patterns that can be used to predict price movements in the future.

It sounds complicated, but our brains are used to doing this on a daily basis. A good example is when you meet a new person. If that person greets you warmly, you are likely to predict positive things for the relationship. On the other hand, if the person is standoffish or unfriendly, you might anticipate difficulties in the relationship. You come to these conclusions based on your experiences in the past of meeting people and forming relationships.

Technical analysis does something similar. It looks at the current conditions of an asset and decides, based on past experience, if the price will remain largely unchanged or if it will rise or fall.

Once you get into the technical concepts and terms, it does, of course, get a bit more complicated. However, the overall concept is the same as the day-to-day task of making a prediction on future outcomes based on past events.

Now for the big question – should you use a news event approach to trading or a technical analysis approach? This comes down to a number of factors, and the answer will be different for everyone. The best advice is to try both to see which you are most comfortable with and which generates the most profits. Of course, you are probably not in a position to test strategies with your hard-earned money. Luckily there is another option – using a demo account. Most of the reputable binary options trading platforms on the market offer a demo account facility. This allows you to trade binary options with virtual money rather than real money. You can’t make any profits with a demo account, but you will not lose any real money either. What you can do is test strategies and trading styles without any risk.

One final point to remember when looking at signals and strategies is to focus on the short-term. There are investment strategies that aim to predict the price movement of an asset over a long period of time, such as 10 years. This type of information is of no use in binary options trading. Instead, you need to know if a price is going to move over the next couple of minutes, the next hour, the next day. A prediction of the price in 10 years’ time is not relevant.

To achieve that you need short-term signals and short-term strategies.

Step 2 – How Much You Should Trade.

This is essentially a money management strategy. They vary in complexity and level of success, starting with a strategy that involves investing the same amount on each trade. Two other common strategies are the Martingale strategy and the percentage-based strategy. For long term success, the latter is the best option.

Investing the same amount of money on each trade is just like having no strategy at all. It is the riskiest strategy, as it does not take into account either your overall level of profitability or the amount of money you have in your account. Both of these are essential factors, and ignoring them can result in quickly depleted balances.

Let’s look at the other two common strategies now, starting with the Martingale money management strategy.

The core concept of the Martingale strategy is to recover losses as soon as possible. This means investing larger amounts of money in trades following a losing trade. For example, you could have a set value of money that you trade, which you then double when you have a loss. If that trade wins, then you are back in profit again rather than being somewhere around break even.

Problems with this strategy occur when you go on a losing streak with multiple losing trades in a row. Each losing trade in a Martingale strategy involves an increase in the investment on the following trade. This quickly adds up. For example, imagine you went on a 10-trade losing streak. That is a lot, but it is not an unrealistic or unreasonable situation. On a 10-trade losing streak, your 11th trade would have to be 1,024 times the value of your original trade in order to stay with the Martingale system. There are not many budgets that could withstand that sort of increase, even if the value of the original trade was low.

The question comes down to how accurate your predictions are and whether you can prevent or minimize losing streaks. It is always important to remember that nothing in binary options trading is a sure thing. Even trades that you are certain will be successful can end up as losses. Losing streaks are inevitable, regardless of how good a trader you are. It is simply impossible to be right enough times to prevent them. Therefore, for most people, a Martingale money management system is a risky option.

A percentage-based system is less risky, so it is usually the preferred choice for most traders, particularly those who are new to binary options trading. The concept is fairly simple – the amount invested on a trade is based on your account balance. If you lose a trade, your account balance will fall, so the amount of money invested on the next trade decreases. If, on the other hand, you win a trade, the amount of money invested on the next trade increases because your account balance has increased.

This strategy helps to keep your balance intact so you can realize steady profits over time.

The question then comes down to what percentage of your balance do you want to invest. As a guide, a trader who is comfortable with risk might choose a number somewhere around five percent, whereas a trader who doesn’t like risk would select a value somewhere around two percent.

Let’s look at an example, assuming you invest five percent of your balance. If your account balance was $500, your trades would be $25. If your balance decreased to $300, your trades would decrease too – each investment would be $15. If, on the other hand, your balance increased to $800, your trades would each be $40.

This is a strategy that helps you only invest an amount that you can afford. It is a strategy that lets you increase your profits while also protecting your account balance during difficult periods and losing streaks.

Step 3 – Improving Your Strategy.

One of the best ways to improve your trading strategy is to analyze your performance using a diary. This is a simple but highly effective concept. It involves keeping a diary where you note down every trade that you make. You can then look for patterns and trends to see what is working and what isn’t.

This is a particularly effective approach if you are a new trader and are still trying to establish a profitable strategy. A common approach in this scenario is to place trades using both technical analysis signals and news events signals. A diary will help you keep those trades separate so you can judge which performed better. For example, you might find you are getting double the profits from trades you make based on technical analysis. However, you know from experience that you spend more time on news event signals than you do on technical analysis. The information in your diary would indicate that you should consider a change of approach.

Basically, it is all about knowing what trades are working and which ones are not. The only way to do that is by keeping a record, so a trading diary is a highly effective tool.

A trading diary also lets you focus on the details to fine tune your overall trading strategy. After all, you will get to a point where you are seeking a one or two percentage point increase in your profitability. This is simply not possible to do in a sustained way if you don’t keep good records. On the other hand, doing it successfully could result in hundreds or even thousands in additional profits.

Remember to use your trading diary to check all parts of your trading approach, not just the trading strategy. This includes how you manage money and how you decide on the value of each trade. It also includes looking at the best assets for your trading approach and style.

You can then go into even deeper detail. For example, you can look at the best days of the week or the best times of the day. This information might lead you to adjust your approach. You can also look at things like which brokers work best for you and much more.

There are many things that a trading diary will tell you. One of the problems is trying to work on too many of them at the same time. If you do that you won’t know which changes are having a positive effect and which are not. The easy way to fix this is by focussing on single changes, analyzing their impact, and then moving on. Again, your trading diary is crucial to this process.

If you don’t keep a trading diary at the moment, start as soon as possible. It will become an indispensable tool.

Trading Strategy Examples.

Let’s now look in more detail at some specific trading strategies. The strategies below are among the most common, but there are others you can use as well. Also, many traders adapt, alter, or combine strategies to suit their objectives, attitude to risk, and trading goals. There has to be a starting point somewhere, and the strategies below are a good place to start your learning about binary options trading strategies.

Before going on, it is important to remember that none of them will be effective if you don’t also combine them with a money management and improvement strategy, as explained above.

Trading Strategy Example 1 – Trading the Trends.

The price of an asset generally moves according to a trend, i. e. it moves up in price for a period of time or it moves down in price. These price movements are never linear. Instead, they zig-zag, sometimes moving up in price and sometimes moving down, but overall moving in one general direction. As these zig-zag movements are predictable in particular situations, they present an opportunity for binary options trades.

In simple terms, you have two main options: you can trade the overall trend or you can trade each swing. Trading the overall trend means ignoring the minute-by-minute up and down movements in price to instead focus on the overall trend direction for a period of time. This gives you multiple opportunities to profit from the trend, particularly given the fact that most trends persist for medium to long periods of time, i. e. they are well within the boundaries of the short term trading style required to be successful in binary options trading.

Trading each swing involves placing more trades. It involves more risk as a result, but there is also the potential for greater rewards. This approach is based on thinking about the highs and lows in either an upward or a downward trend:

Upward trend – New highs and new lows will generally be higher than previous highs and lows in an upward trend. Downward trend – New highs and new lows will generally be lower than previous highs and lows in a downward trend.

Remember the point made at the start of this section though – there is no reason why you can’t combine both so you use both approaches at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive.

The most common way to trade trends is by using High / Low options. All binary options trading platforms offer this type of trade. Basically, you trade on whether an asset’s price is going to be higher than it is now after a set period of time (a high option) or lower than it is now (a low option).

A riskier but potentially more lucrative option is to go for a one-touch option. This is another popular binary options trading selection. Instead of simply predicting whether a price will finish higher or lower, you predict whether or not the price will reach a certain point. This is called the target price.

Again, you can use a combination of both to diversify your risk while increasing your chance of making higher profits.

Trading Strategy Example 2 – Trading Based on News Events.

Trading on assets based on events in the news is one of the more popular styles of trading. The theory is fairly simple. Good news, such as a company reporting profit information that was above analyst expectations, would see the price of that asset go up. Similarly, profit information that was disappointing would see that company’s share price go down. You can make profitable binary options trades in these conditions.

It is not an exact science, however. Other styles of trading, such as technical analysis, produce parameters that are precise. Trading based on news events leaves a lot to chance, as there is no sure way of knowing how much an asset’s price will increase or decrease or how long the price movement will last.

You can adopt specific strategies and approaches to help increase your chances for success. Here are three you can work into your overall binary options strategy:

Boundary options – This is the strategy to use when you know an asset’s price is going to move, but you are not sure which direction it will go. A good example of a situation where this is suitable is before a major news event, as you won’t know if it is going to be positive news or negative news. With a boundary option, two target prices are defined – one above the current price and one below. The difference between these two numbers is known as the price channel. If the price of the asset hits either of these two price targets, you win. If it stays within the channel, you lose. As you can see, it is a strategy that works best when you expect significant movement in the price of an asset. Trading the breakout – The breakout is the period of time immediately following the release of news that impacts the market. In binary options trading, this is a very short period of time – anything from 30 seconds to a few minutes. The theory behind the strategy is that the most significant movements in the price of the asset will occur during this breakout period as traders seek to adjust their positions to take make a profit or limit their exposure to risk. The type of binary options trade you would use in this scenario is a simple High / Low option, but you select a very short expiration time. This is sometimes known as a 60-second option. Intelligent High / Low trades – In simple terms, positive news means prices will rise, and negative news means prices will fall. As already explained, the market does not always react according to this rule. Sometimes news that is positive on the surface – falling unemployment figures, profit reports by a company, or inflation numbers that are within government targets for example – cause markets to react in a negative way. This comes down to expectation, i. e. the market expected the unemployment numbers, profit announcement, or inflation figures to be better and had already made adjustments before the news was released in anticipation. When the news isn’t as good as the market expects, it adjusts in the other direction, prompting prices to fall even though the news is generally positive. If you can predict when these events will happen, you can make good profits using High / Low trades.

Trading Strategy Example 3 – Using Candlestick Formations.

For new traders, this might be the most difficult of the strategies to explain, but it is the easiest to implement and make money from once you understand it.

When you look at an asset’s price chart over time, it is typically a line chart showing the price at each point in time. For example, looking at the price over a month is likely to show you the price the asset closed at on each day. However, this is only one piece of price data. Candlesticks give you much more.

Candlesticks are represented on an asset’s chart over time, just like a line graph, but they are designed to give you much more information. The bottom of the candlestick represents the low price it reached during the specific time period, and the upper part of the candlestick represents the high price it achieved. In between, you will also see both the opening and closing price. In other words, a candlestick lets you see, at a glance, the price range that a particular asset fluctuated between during that specific period of time.

Using candlesticks as a trading strategy involves recognizing various candlestick formations that you can use to predict an asset’s price movement.

A Candlestick with a gap is one example. This occurs when the price of an asset moves from one price to another that is significantly higher or lower. The difference between these prices is the gap. It is an unusual occurrence because price movements are typically much more gradual, with the asset hitting all or most of the price points as it moves through the range.

So, what can you learn about an asset when you spot a gap in a candlestick, and how can you use this information to make a prediction?

A gap that occurs during times when there isn’t much trading volume can be an indicator that a quick correction is likely to occur. One of the situations where this might happen is shortly before a market closes for the day when there are not many traders left placing trades. Large trades in these situations can produce the gap, but that is not necessarily reflective of the strength of the asset, i. e. if the trade had taken place when the market was more active, the gap would not have occurred. You can therefore predict the gap in the price of this asset and base your trades accordingly. Gaps that appear during periods of high trading activity but where the price is not generally moving very much can be an indication of a new breakout, i. e. that the asset’s price will start moving in that direction. You can use this information to predict the price and make a trade. If there is already a trend in a particular direction and the volume of trading is normal, the gap might indicate an acceleration of the trend. In other words, the movement of the price in a particular direction is likely to accelerate. You can use this information to base your next trade.

A candlestick formation with a gap is just one of many. However, knowing and having confidence in several will greatly improve your binary options strategy.

Developing a Binary Options Strategy Without Risking Money.

As explained in detail throughout this article, a binary options strategy is essential if you want to trade profitably. It gives structure to your trading, removes emotion-led decision making, and lets you analyze and improve.

How do you test a strategy without risking your money? After all, how can you find out that a strategy doesn’t work without trying it? If you try a strategy that doesn’t work using your own money, you will lose it. That could result in you going through your available funds before the testing phase ends, leaving you with nothing to trade with.

There is a solution – a binary options demo account. All reputable and good quality brokers and trading platforms offer demo accounts. They let you test the platform, but, crucially, they also let you test your trading strategies using real market conditions. The testing is done using virtual money instead of your own, so there is no real money at risk. Of course, you can’t make any money either, but that is not the point. The point of a demo account is to solidify a binary options strategy that is profitable.

The Strategies.

There are several assets to select from in binary options trading. However, the oldest and most effective approach to minimize risks is to focus on a single asset. Trade on those assets that are most familiar to you such as euro-dollar exchange rates. Consistently trading on it will help you to gain familiarity with it and the prediction of the direction of value will become easier. There are two types of strategies explained below that can be of great benefit in binary options trading.

1. Trend Strategy.

A basic strategy most adopted by beginners as well as experienced traders. This strategy is often referred to as the bull bear strategy and focuses on monitoring, rising, declining and the flat trend line of the traded asset. If there is a flat trend line and a prediction that the asset price will go up, the No Touch Option is recommended.

If the trend line shows that the asset is going to rise, choose CALL.

If the trend line shows a decline in the price of the asset, choose PUT.

This method works the same as the CALL/PUT option except in this case, you select the price at which the asset must not reach before the selected period. For example, Google’s share price is $540 and the trading platform is on the No Touch price of $570 with percentage returns of 77%. If the price doesn’t reach $570 after the specified time, then there is a gain.

2. Pinocchio strategy.

This strategy is utilized when the asset price is expected to rise or fall drastically in the opposite direction. If the value is expected to go up, select CALL and if it’s expected to drop, select PUT. This is best practiced on a free demo account from one of the brokers.

3. Straddle Strategy.

This strategy is best applied during market volatility and just before the break of important news related to specific stock or when predictions of analysts seem to be afloat. This is a highly regarded strategy utilized throughout the global community of trading. This is a strategy best known for presenting an ability to the trader to avoid the CALL and PUT option selection, but instead putting both on a selected asset.

The overall idea is to utilize PUT when the value of the asset is increased, but there is an indication or belief that it will being to drop soon. Once the decline sets in, place the CALL option on it, expecting it to actually bounce back soon. This can also be done in the reverse direction, by placing CALL on a those assets priced low and PUT on the rising asset value. This greatly increases chances of success in at least one of the trade options by producing an “in the money” result. The straddle strategy is greatly admired by traders when the market is up and down or when a particular asset has a volatile value.

4. Risk Reversal Strategy.

This is indeed one of the most highly regarded strategies among experienced binary options traders across the globe. It aims to lower the risk factor associated with trading and increase the chances of a successful outcome that results in positive profit gains. This strategy is executed by placing CALL and PUT options simultaneously on an individual underlying asset. This is especially beneficial when trading on assets with fluctuating values. Naturally, binary options can experience two possible outcomes and trading on a two for two opposite’s predictions over an individual asset at once, guarantees that at least one will generate a positive outcome.

5. Hedging Strategy.

This strategy is commonly known as Pairing and most often used along with corporations in binary options traders, investors and traditional stock-exchanges, as a means of protection and to minimize the associated risks. This strategy is executed by placing both Call and Puts on the same asset at the same time. This assures that regardless of the direction of the asset value, the trade will generate a successful outcome. This provides the investor with profits of an “in the money” outcome. This is a great means of protecting yourself as an investor in whichever scenario is produced. It’s sort of an insurance method that prepares you for any scenario.

6. Fundamental Analysis.

This strategy is mostly utilized during stock trading and primarily by traders to helm gain a better understanding of their selected asset. This increases their chances of accuracy in the prediction of future price changes. This approach involves conducting an in-depth review of all of the financial regards of the company. This info should include earnings reports, market share and financial statements.

This review helps the trader to better understand the previous activity of the asset and its reaction to certain financial or economic changes. This review helps the trader to make a strong prediction under familiar circumstances in future trading strategies. Keep in mind, that using a good binary trading robot can help you to skip these steps completely.

The best way to practice is to open a free demo account from one of the brokers.

Binary Options Trading Systems.

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References and Further Reading:

John Miller.

Latest posts by John Miller (see all)

Interview of Daria Glazko from IQ Option - July 20, 2018 IQoption Adds New Deposit Feature and Forms New Partnership - July 5, 2018 How Binary Options Changed My Life and Got Me Out of Debt - June 7, 2018.

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Trend Strategy is best for beginners. I use it a lot.

What is the best trading strategy for beginner?

I’ve gotten a lot of profits with the Risk Reversal Strategy.

Great read, thank you. This is very informative, and full of good strategies.

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